Pillow Sleep Spray for Better Rest

Popular interest is increasing over products like sleep spray, and where to buy sprayable sleep in the market. It is being asked about, as in the below curated excerpt, as it may be a better approach to purchase sprayable sleep than to take melatonin pills:

With six kiddos in the house, sleep can be hard to come by sometimes. Fortunately, I’ve found ways to naturally improve sleep quality, including ditching the night lights and using magnesium oil before bed. This relaxing pillow spray is another healthy (and great smelling!) way to promote a good night’s sleep.

So would a simple scent make a difference in your sleep? Good question!

Pillow Spray for Your Sleep Routine

As I’ve searched for answers on sleep over the years … as every parent has I’m sure … I’ve learned a lot about just how essential sleep is for our health. In fact there’s no way to be healthy without good, quality sleep, and enough of it.

It turns out that establishing a solid sleep routine with little cues that it’s time to wind down and get some shut-eye is not just important for babies and kids. Grown-ups need these routines too, whether it be an epsom salt bath, or some self-massage, or just reading a good book.

In the same way, smelling a familiar, relaxing scent every night moments before we hit the pillow can send a strong and comforting signal to our over-wired, over-stimulated brains to prepare for sleep.

Proven Essential Oils for Sleep

Part of the answer is that this pillow spray recipe uses the proven sleep-inducing powers of some great essential oils. I’m sure you’ll recognize some of the players here!
Soothing Ylang Ylang

It may be a little difficult to pronounce, but ylang ylang is a potent relaxer. Its unique scent is frequently used by perfumers (and just so happens to be a featured ingredient in the popular Chanel No. 5!).

More at: https://wellnessmama.com/205052/relaxing-pillow-spray/ 


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